Ardeena Scott

Personal Transformation Mentor

About Me

My Journey

In both my personal journey and professional endeavours I seek to explore and understand the soul-felt truth ‘as above so below, as within so without’, and how it applies within our lives.

My life has taken me across the globe, studying, working, and volunteering in wellness retreats and spiritual centres. These travels were spiritually-rich, though I struggled financially, with physical discomfort and pain, and often felt separated from the ‘outside’ world.

I’d ‘swing back’ into the mainstream world…where, conversely, my professional expertise in management, administrative-operations, and education felt separated from my spirituality. I’d generally be underpaid and overworked, and would often find myself in abusive relationships...

And so, I’d retreat back to the remote comfort of a spiritual centre!!

This went on for several years, and it was a phenomenon that I observed from all those who visited these spiritual places (including the teachers and healers); that the talk was not being walked. Until I was introduced to Holographic Transformation, and life went to a whole new level!

What I learnt from these diverse experiences have deepened my understanding of personal growth and healing during these times of unprecedented change, and emphasised the necessity of integrating our spiritual and material worlds if we are to live balanced and fulfilling lives. Spirituality can no longer be cordoned off, reserved for certain times and places as this is the old paradigm, and we are here to move ever-increasingly towards integration. This is why I promote my work as 'grounding woo-woo into the worldly'.

Recently becoming Director of Operations of The White Rabbit Reveals reflects a new paradigm of work for me— one where our soul-level passion and purpose are valued in the material world, which in turn enhances our lives and, by reflection, of the world around us. It’s about doing the things we love and being valued for it, without sacrificing any aspect of ourselves (financial, spiritual, romantic, our own thinking! etc.).

Currently, I live life on the road as a 'holographic' nomad, continuing to deepen my understanding of this ongoing process of integration.

It would be my pleasure to walk the road with you.

Warmest regards,

Ardeena xx

I help people as a way to work on myself,
and I work on myself to help people ...
to me, that's what the emerging game is all about

- Ram Dass

More formally...

Education and Training

  • 2024: Director of Operations, The White Rabbit Reveals (TWRR). English Language Coach with International TESOL Certificate, TESOL Australia.

  • 2022-2023: Core Clearing Breathwork Coach Training with Australian Breathwork College, First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Practitioner, Advanced Mentoring (TWRR).

  • 2020 - Current: Licensed Mentor, The White Rabbit Reveals (TWRR) - Check out my Licences here.

  • 2018-2021: The Two-Year Program (x2!), The White Rabbit Reveals (TWRR). Continuing to live life on the road as a holographic nomad!

  • 2016 - 2018: Extensive period of retreat and voluntary work in wellness retreats, centres and communities around the globe from high-end luxury to ashram. This period was spiritually rich and rewarding, and provided an opportunity to share and to learn skills and expertise.

  • 2013 - 2015: Holistic health and energy medicine training including:
    Diploma of Yoga and Yoga Nidra,
    Usui Reiki practitioner I and II,
    Certificate of Massage, Holistic Pulsing I, Lomi Lomi Certificate,
    Diploma of Herbal Studies, (NZ) and initiation into Eternal Light GAIA (earth element healing ray) with practitioner training.

  • 2011-2012: More exploring across Europe and North America, with volunteering and living on farms and homestays.

  • 2008-2011: Bachelor of Arts (Education), University of Auckland, awarded scholarship and entered into field of Educational Research.

  • 2007: First solo overseas experience that ignited an ever-evolving passion for travel and self-exploration

Want to find out more?

Let's get on a call!

Copyright 2024. Ardeena M Scott. Melbourne, Australia.
All Rights Reserved.